Hoses for the iStill Pump (and a movie!)

11 September 2014
To make distilling easier, and to add to the versatility of the iStill Pump, we developed a set of hoses and clamps. From now on, the iStill Pump will always come with those hoses and with the clamps. More precise? You will get two 5 meter (15 feet) sections of hose and six clamps. It will raise the price a bit, but it will certainly make life as a distiller easier! The hoses are food grade and can deal with liquids up to 90 degrees C. Alcohhol percentages up to 25% are no problem either. The hose system, at two inch diameter, allows you to transfer mash from the iStill Masher to the iStill Fermenter, and finished ferment from the Fermenter to the iStill One. The iStill Pump and hose system can also be used to get rid of stillige. You know that with all of our designs, we love to push the boundaries of performance. The iStill Pump does that too. Just imagine: it can do 250 liters in under 20 seconds. More info on the iStill Pump? Yes! It has wheels and brakes, and it has led lights you will love. Here's a movie:





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